Tourism is a strategically significant practice in the cultural, social, and environmental circumstances of most countries. It is also used as a growth tool, both at the national and regional levels. This is an important source of employment, income, and resources. This post will address the role of local bodies in tourism marketing later.
On any destination, support from local people is essential to the tourism industry ‘s sustainability Therefore, the success of any sustainable development project depends on engaged support from local communities.
For better or worse, the tourism industry affects the lives of local communities. When we bear in mind the strategic role of marketing, the importance of local bodies is vital to their success in executing tourism ventures, sustaining destinations and facilities, etc.
- Tourist Experiences: Local communities help visitors provide quality services that increase tourist satisfaction rates.
- Infrastructure: The municipal government offers infrastructural resources such as electricity, water, highways, street lighting, public parks, drainage, sanitation, etc.
- Developing & Maintaining visitor attractions: Help develop local amenities and attractions, such as zoos, art galleries, parks and reserves
- Support for festivals and events: Local Communities helps the govt authorities by taking participation in the local Festivals and Events organized by the Government.
- Implementing visitor attraction schemes.: Regional groups or businesses will band together to organize and introduce new advertising tactics that will draw more visitors to a destination in addition.
- Sustainable Tourism Development of an area: Tourism that takes full account of its current and future economic, social and environmental impacts, addressing the needs of visitors, the industry, the environment, and host communities
- Providing information facilities for travelers: The local communities that engage in tourism serve as a source of information for the person and also preserve the details of tourism as a record that govt collects further.
- Create tourism Awareness in the area: Local People or authorities acts as the best tool in making tourist aware of the area.