Hotel Management Studies is a platform where we try to provide the information and videos related to Hotel Management. Videos like “What is Hotel”, “Hotel departments names” or Functions of Hotel departments etc. will help you understand the concept of Hotel Functionality and its processes. Our Mission is to prepare students for the workplace and gain practical experience as part of their education. As an essential part of the curriculum, industry placement supports the vital theory learnt with practical experience.
Our Audience
Students who want to earn a diploma in Hospitality and hotel management need to study a variety of subjects related to the hospitality and lodging industries. In this course module , students learn to interact with people, work with hotel computing systems, become organized and solve hospitality issues
Who are We?
We are young people working behind this blog Hotel Management Tutorial. We will cover all the sections as soon ass possible. Initially we sill cover mostly need topic about Hotel management. Later we will try to post other areas also.
In future we will cover travel and tourism also. But without your feedback it will be too difficult for us to go ahead.
Please comment regularly and inform all your friends’ family and colleagues about this site. We believe your support will make this blog as global hub for all hoteliers and hospitality learners.
So keep in touch with us because all the information provided here is all Free!!!