Welcome to [Hotel Management Guru], where we dive deep into the fascinating world of beer brewing! In this blog, we’ll take you through the entire Beer-Making Process Step by Step, so you can learn how to brew your own delicious beer right at home.
Production / Manufacturing of Beer
- It is the first step in production.
- In malting, the starch is converted to soluble sugar.
- Barley is soaked in water for about three days.
- Then it is spread on malting floor which causes germination or sprouting.
- Moisture, warmth, and oxygen are necessary for the growth of shoot and rootlets.
- Insoluble sugars are converted to soluble sugar by enzyme diastase.
- The germinated cereal is called as green malt.
- Green malt is then dried and roasted in a kiln at 204 degree Celsius to stop further germination.
- The temperature and the length of time the cereal is heated dictate the colour and taste of the beer.
Mashing –
- Crushed malt is called grist.
- Water is added to the grist.
- Mash is then mixed & cooked for 1-6 hrs, during which malt enzyme converts starch in maltose.
- Temperature – 65 degree Celsius
- The liquid contained in the mash is transferred into another tank called a lauter tun.
- This is accomplished by drawing the liquid out through the bottom layer of mash solids, which acts as a filter.
- Hot water is added to the top of the mash tank to rinse the remaining liquid, now called wort, from the mash.
- The solid remains of the grain are dried and sold by the brewery as animal feed.
- This solution is called as Wort
- Wort=Liquid which has natural sugar.
- Wort is placed in huge copper or stainless steel kettles, where dried hops and sugar are added.
- The amount of sugar and hops added depend on the style of beer under production.
- Wort is boiled for 1-2 hours, which makes the wort bitter.
- After brewing is complete, the finished wort is filtered again and pumped to the fermentation tanks.
Cooling and Pitching
- The wort is then cooled down to 15 degree Celsius and transferred to fermenting vats.
- The wort should not be at 30 degree Celsius and above.
- Yeast remains active between 5 degree and 30 degree Celsius.
- There are two types of fermentation
- Top Fermentation
- Bottom Fermentation
- Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast is used for top fermentation
- Saccharomyces carlsbergensis is used for bottom fermentation
Top Fermentation | Bottom Fermentation |
Type of Yeast- Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Has a tendency to multiply & float on the top. | Type of Yeast- Saccharomyces Carlsbergensis Has a tendency to multiply & settle at the bottom. |
Fast & Vigorous process at a high temp (15 -25 degree Celsius). | Slow process, yeast works slowly at a low temp (5 – 9 degree Celsius). |
Produced in few days’ .Produces heavy foam at top because the yeast rises to the surface. | Fermentation starts at the bottom by producing the Co2 bubbles that emerge at the top of the beer. |
Then it is filtered, bottled & packaged for immediate consumption. | The above process helps to have a smooth & flavor ,mellow beer |
Ale, Porter, Stouts | Lager |
Maturing (Aging)
- After the fermentation, the ale is racked into storage tank and stored for 3- 21 days.
- The lager is racked into storage tank and matured for 10-24 weeks at a temperature range of 1-3 degree Celsius.
- Lagering helps the beer to mature.
- During the maturation, the yeast settles, harsh flavours mellows, and the beer gets its natural texture and carbonation.
- After aging, the beer can be pasteurized to kill the remaining yeast and prevent further alcohol production.
- This is accomplished by heating the beer above 135°F (57°C).
Brightening or Clarifying
- In this step, the beers are then brightened with the addition of finings.
- It is done to remove tannins, dead yeast cells, and other products.
Carbonation or conditioning
- Natural process of conditioning will give gas to produce the head.
- Addition of Co2 to make beer fizzy. If no co2 is the beer is found the beer is called as Flat.
- Carbonation can be achieved by injecting the co2 in the neutral containers
Casking & Packaging
- The beers are packed into sterilized casks, kegs, bottles, and cans.
- The beer is then cooled, labelled, packed and distributed for sales.
- Cans are coated with Lacquer (kind of a sealing wax) to avoid any reaction of brew with the metal can.