A meal plan is a package applied to a room rate to provide the guests at a hotel with a bed and meals. Selecting a meal plan after checking the room rate is very important for travelers. Hotel types Meal Plans are as follows:
Types of Hotel Meal Plans
American Plan, is also known as Full Pension or Full Board meal Plan. It includes all three major meals, breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the length of your stay. Generally, the rates on this plan are higher but offer a good value for your money, and of course, added convenience. American Meal Plan: Room Rent+ Buffet Breakfast+ Buffet Lunch+ Buffet Dinner
Modified American Plan(MAP), is also known as Half Board or Half Pension meal plan. It is a modified version of the American Plan and includes a room stay with breakfast and a choice between lunch and dinner. Modified American Plan: Room Rent+ Buffet Breakfast+ (Buffet Lunch/Buffet Dinner)
Continental Plan, is where your room stay involves a daily breakfast at the hotel. The hotel can either affix its option of breakfast menu or provide in the dining area for a buffet breakfast. Also, whether the room service provides the breakfast or in a general dining area, depends from hotel to hotel. Continental Plan: Room Rent+ Buffet Breakfast only
European Plan(EP) means that only the stay is included in the rates and that you will have to pay extra for using the hotel’s dining facilities. This can be called the “Room Only” Plan, in general terms. European Plan: Room Rent only